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The Learning Place

Virtual Tours

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Toy House with Yellow Sofa. Childhood, children games, preschool activities concept. Hand drawn Vector.

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With family as the foundation and security of a child's well-being, all at TLP strive diligently to be an extension of that family unit. Parent and staff interaction is key to the success of our program. Daily input of eah child's day is given through our daily bulletins -- unique for each age grouping.

Lunches and Snack

Parents supply lunch and snacks for their own child which maintains a tie with home and insures the child's specific dietary needs and tastes are met. Adequate refrigeration is available for all foods which can be heated in microwaves in each classroom.

The Learning Place maintains separate classrooms for each group

Infants, Toddlers, Twos, Pre-K Three and Pre-K Four. In addition, all at TLP enjoy an extremely well equipped outdoor, fenced play yard with safety surface, as well as, a huge indoor multi-purpose room for active play in inclement weather.

Pre K Room Virtual Tour

Toddler Room Virtual Tour

Infant Room Virtual Tour

Two's Room Virtual Tour

Infant Room

Our babies, 2 months old until they are walking, enjoy the cozy setting of this classroom with an intimate bonding teacher to baby ratio. This fosters infants to get the personal attention needed to follow their individual feeding, diapering, sleeping and playtime schedules. Infants discover how to use their bodies; from reaching and grasping to sitting and crawling, from standing and cruising to walking.

They learn to discriminate sounds and visual images and begin to understand verbal language. Sign language is introduced into their daily program to encourage non-verbal communication and minimize frustration as they begin to express themselves.

Two's Room

Our two year olds follow a daily schedule that incorporates the school's curriculum in a fun and enriching way. Two year olds are using language with greater ease as their vocabulary increases at an astonishing rate. They become more 'in control' of their bodies and emotions, and are less impulsive, taking a more active role in planning and caring for themselves and their environment are the developmental skills of focus here.

Routines and procedures are established to encourage 'potty training,' a process in which we work together with families to achieve, when the child is ready to become successful.

Toddler Room

Children who are walking steady are introduced to a more structured schedule with daily routines that allow them to experiment with cause and effect and explore their environment as they become mobile. They are learning to use language to communicate as their verbal development flourishes.

Toddlers begin to establish themselves as individuals and are better able to communicate their wants and needs. Active play is an important part of all areas of development for each toddler.

Pre-K Three Year Olds

Focus for the children is to become more independent and learn how to utilize this independence and functioning with a group. Here they learn to make choices and understand consequences. They are blooming socially as well as intellectually.

Fine motor skills are being refined along with gross motor as they develop a better understanding of their bodies. The lengthening attention span of a three year old allows them to better focus on the tasks at hand.

Pre-K Four and Five Year Olds

Here children continue to develop and exhibit competencies as individuals. The developmental skills so needed for pre-reading, writing, and problem solving are continually presented to foster mastery and achievement of these necessary skills.

Kindergarten readiness is a priority. We seek to educate the total child and thrus provide activities to stimulate growth in areas of emotional, social, physical and intellectual development.

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